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ICARC Participation in 2024 Field Day

Here's our planning page for 2024 field day.

Talk in on 147.150 Rereater...

Kent Park Location permit acquired
Logging Software

Field Day Operating sheet

See www.n3fjp.com for more details.

Field Day Rules

Click to visit ARRL'S Field Day page

Field Day is always the fourth full weekend of June, beginning at 1800 UTC (1:00 PM CDT) Saturday and ending at 2100 UTC (4:00 PM CDT) Sunday. Field Day 2024 will be held June 27-28, 2024. The object is to work as many stations as possible on all amateur bands (excluding the 60, 30, 17, and 12-meter bands) and in so doing to learn to operate in abnormal situations with less than optimal conditions. A premium is placed on developing skills to meet the challenges of emergency preparedness as well as to acquaint the general public with the capabilities of Amateur Radio.

Stations may work 24 consecutive hours. Set-up may not begin earlier than 1800 UTC (1:00 PM CDT) on Friday.

Exchange: Stations will exchange their Field Day operating Class and ARRL section. Example: a two-transmitter class A station in Iowa would send "2A IA" on CW or "2 Alpha Iowa" on Phone. DX stations send operating class and the term DX (i.e. 2A DX). A station may be worked only once per band. Phone, CW and Digital modes on a single band are counted as separate bands.

Scores are based on the total number of QSO points times the power multiplier plus bonus points. Phone contacts count one point each and CW and digital contacts count two points. If all contacts are made using an output power of 150 watts or less, the power multiplier is two.

Bonus points:

ICARC 2024 Field Day Radios:

ICARC 2024 Field Day Plans:

(left over from the ICARC meeting of June, 2019)


This plans section remains as our ongoing outline.

ICARC has the shelter at Red Haw in Kent Park.


Setup will begin Saturday morning at 8:00 AM CDT sharp! The main task is to put up the antennas. Rich will bring his "spud" gun to shoot lines over tree-tops.

The generator will be set up and fueled, extension cords run, radios set up and connected and computers and networking cables will be connected and tested.

We must be finished setting up well before operation begins at 1:00 PM CDT!


Schedule from Dennis

We will operate in the portable, independent of power mains, 2-transmitter category (2A) on 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters.

The 2 HF radios will operate SSB and CW on all bands beginning at 1:00 PM CDT, and ending 24 hours later.


This is rather out-of-date for 2024...
Updates may bwe emailed to KC0JFQ through regular channels...
  1. Coordinator - Dennis
    1. Submit FD scores to ARRL

  2. Power Sources - Cordell, WØCJB
    1. Generator -- Honda 2000 from Aero Rental
    2. Gasoline, 5-gallon can

  3. Antennas and other Equipment from storage - Cordell, WØCJB & Emmett, KEØNBH
    1. Antennas
    2. Coax cable & guy rope
    3. Ground rods & grounding wire
    4. Spud gun (W3ACO)

  4. Transceivers - Rich, W3ACO & Willy, KCØJFQ
    1. ICARC TS-50
    2. ICARC Heathkit SB-1400
    3. WIlly IC-7200
    4. WIlly IC-7300
    5. MIke IC-7300
    6. JOhn IC-7300

  5. Computers - Kyle, ???KDØZBI??? & John, ACØXY
    1. Computers - one per operating position
      Supplied by ACØXY, KØCF and KEØQKF
    2. Software (N1MM+)
    3. Networking hardware (Router and CAT5e cables)

  6. Potluck dinner 18:00 - Willy, KCØJFQ
    1. Catering from Costco -- Chicken legs
    2. PotLuck for other things
    3. Beverages
    4. Participants are encouraged to bring a salad, hot dish or dessert
    5. Club suppliues paper plates, napkins, cups, etc.

  7. ICARC Signs - Kyle, ???KDØZBI???

  8. Bonus Points, etc. - Carl, KCØHZV
    1. Assign someone to copy W1AW FD message (KØCF volunteered 2019)

  9. Publicity -
    1. Press-Citizen, KCRG, and/or other area Radio/TV stations
      1. Sample press releases are in the Field Day packet from ARRL
    2. Bring FD to attention of youth groups, potential new hams, others
    3. Post fliers around town

Last updated Jun 13, 2024 by KØCF