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ICARC Sunday Evening Net

                        List Directed Script
  1. Introduction
  2. Upcoming Meeting
  3. Roll Call
  4. General Traffic
  5. Other Local Nets
  6. Final Call
  7. Upcoming Net Operators
  8. Net Rundown
        abbreviated ROLL and checkin sheet HTML
        abbreviated ROLL and checkin sheet PDF
        abbreviated ROLL and checkin sheet PS (postscript)

        Notes are in RED!

link for updates.


If you are using the on-line checkin web page, please try working with it a bit before you run a net.
The web page is primitive, at best, and it is not difficult to discard your logs with a misplaced click/button-press.

There is no communication between the web server and the logging entries you are making on the web page. A misplaced refresh or back space will bring up a fresh copy of the web page from the icarc server, the result being you loose everything.

You can, at any time, save a local copy of the web page. That local copy can be brought up in your web browser, but practice recovering from a misplaced keystroke before the net.

There are two saved files (at least when using the machine hosting the website), an HTML file with your log entries, and a GIF file (image file: ICARC_Logo_small.gif).
Send the HTML file to the club email listed above and it will get posted to the website.

And, now that you're ready, a few minutes prior to the net call for a signal report to verify your station is working correctly and you're siglan is clear & strong.

New files are being generated for running paper-based.
These are more dense than printing web pages.
Note the officers and our long-standing members are setup in the list-directed format.
Simply call these and then proceed to asking for call-ins.

Part 1, Introduction

        PLEASE NOTE:
            Do not think with your finger on the PTT key !!!
            If you need time to collect your thoughts RELEASE THE CHANNEL !!!
                Take your finger off ther PTT button !!!
            You may simply give out a "STANDBY" command to indicate you are not releasing control.
            When you hold the channel for extended periods you block EMERGENCY TRAFFIC,
                this is particularly egregious when not talking!
            Participants will patiently wait for you to return.

All stations on frequency this is callsign
calling the Johnson County Sunday Evening Net.
My name is name
and I am located in location.

This net meets every Sunday evening at 7:30 PM. local time
and I will be your ACE or Net Control this evening.
We now meet on the 147.150 machine which is located on the west side of Iowa City.

Please set your CTCSS access tone to 192.8 Hz for this repeater.
Although this is an informal net, it is a directed net.
We encourage participants to share ham radio news.

Stations with emergency traffic may break in at any time
by using the words “break” or “break emergency”
along with their call sign.

        Poll for club related traffic prior to the roll call.
            (the club president, for example)

Part 2, Upcoming Meeting (only on the Sunday prior to the meeting)

            If this is the net before the upcoming
            announce it and ask for who is bringing support
            equipment and such.

The monthly meeting is this Wednesday at
        Pizza Ranch
        Party Room 5
        1355 Hayes Lane
        North Liberty
You will find directions in the upcoming meeting section on the main web page.

David, K0LUM, please report on the status of the Zoom link when you check in.

Also, whoever plans to bring a computer to host the meeting, please report your status as you check in.

Part 3, Roll Call

            The participant Roll has phonetic callsigns for your convenience.
            Don't take this as the use phonetics being required! (I just can't always think that fast:-)

I will now call the abbreviated roll of the ICARC officers for club traffic.
Please acknowledge with your call sign and let me know if you actually have traffic.

            The link to the roll call web page may be directly edited and saved, if you can type that fast :-).

            You may also print a hardcopy do the mark-up the old-fashioned way.
            Note the PS and PDF files are considerably more compact than
            the web page when the are printed.

            The GOLD Members are in the printable files, so you do not
            need to reference the web pages if you're working hardcopy.

        Free-for-All Notes:
            So you can run the Officers and the GOLD Member section of the list
            in the same manner as the dircted net. It's short, less than a dozen entries.            

            We typically hear from the president concerning upcoming events.
            We may hear from the treasurer about how to remit dues.
            We also run those in the club that prefer to not
            wait so long to be called, our GOLD members

    abbreviated ROLL and checkin sheet HTML
    abbreviated ROLL and checkin sheet PDF
    abbreviated ROLL and checkin sheet PS (postscript)

Part 4, General Traffic, all-out free-for-all

As I call for check-ins, please try not to overwhelm me!
Once I hear four to six stations, I'll try to re-acquire the net and acknowledge those stations I was able to copy.

  - or -   General Traffic, attempt at organization

I will attempt to call for groups. The grouping is based on the first letter of you callsign suffix,
that is to say the letter immediately following the number in your callsign.
Once I hear four to six stations, I'll try to re-acquire the net and acknowledge those stations I was able to copy.

The groupiong are as follows: A through G, then H through M,
and N through S, and finally T thru Z.

            Stations with A thru G
            Stations with H thru M
            Stations with N thru S
            Stations with T thru Z


            Pick one of the above methods.
            You will have to WRITE FAST!!!
            This will get busy, your opportunity to deal with a pile-up
            When you have a comfortable group of stations, key-in and stop things
            so you can acknowledge the stations you heard and collect traffic.
            The checkboxes on the list should help you track things.

If I get your callsign wrong, please relay phonetically when I acknowledge.
All stations waiting to check-in, with or with-out traffic Please call now.

            Once you're caught up, re-open for checkins and do some more!
            This is handled much like the end of our directed net,
            once the traffic tails off to nothing, you can go on to
            talk about upcoming nets.

Part 5, Other Local Nets

            I dropped the list here and simply
            include a hyperlink to the
            "Local & HF Nets" page so I
            don't have to try and update this
            page when things change.

        Link to local nets page

            Use the BROWSER back button to get back here...

Please see the Iowa City Amateur Radio Club web site at
www.icarc.org for additional nets, frequencies, club news,
and announcements.

Also, please do forward updates and corrections to the webmaster at:
icarc at icarc at org
or to our iogroups address.

Part 6, Final Call


Any stations that are still patiently waiting
to check in, please call now.

            You may have additional traffic to handle here.

Part 7, Upcoming Net Operators

                Refer to the nets.htm Page to find the
                operators for next weeks net.

The Primary net control operator for next week is Primary
if the Primary is late/missing, then the Secondary (Secondary) is expected to jump in and take over
Failing that our last backup is Tertiary
Please jump in to start the net if you don't hear it starting as planned,
        passing control over to the Primary should they make it in.
                If, for example, the Primary would have radio problems at the start of the net.
The net script can be found in the ICARC website by clicking on
the red Local & HF Nets button at the top of all of the web pages.
The abbreviated ROLL and checkin sheet
is linked on this page as well as on the HF Nets page.

Part 8, Net Rundown


This completes the Johnson County Sunday Evening Net.
We had count fast !!! participants
including net control and stations checking in via relay.
Wishing you all a good evening and thanks to all who have
participated tonight.

Thanks to the Iowa City Amateur Radio Club for the use of
the WØJV repeater and the K0GH both of which are maintained by John K0GH.
We now return the repeater to regular amateur use.
This is callsign closing the
Johnson County Sunday Evening Net,
73 and clear.

Last updated   09 April 2023.