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ICARC Over-the-Air meetings

  1. Introduction
  2. Secretarys Report
  3. Treasurers Report
  4. Old Business
  5. New Business
  6. Adjourn and Intermission
  7. Program
  8. Net Rundown

With the Coronavirus/CoVID-19 of 2020, ICARC began experimenting
with conducting monthly meetings over the air.
This experiment began with the March 11th. 2020 meeting and somewhat
follows the form of our weekly net.
Some minor adjustments to a the meeting format are required,
mainly in limiting reporting of some information over the air.

This format is intended to accommodate a face-to-face meeting,
an over-the-air meeting, and a simulcast type of meeting.
This simulcast meeting involves operating a face-to-face meeting
at our regular meeting place while transmitting over-the-air.

This format also introduces the concept of the "Network Control ACE".
The nickname "ACE" for the net control station is used on a formal
communications net to reduce confusion by always referring to
the control station as the "ACE".
Traffic always goes through the "ACE", as on any directed net.
Stations do not need to remember who is running the net as traffic
is always directed to the "ACE".
Using this "ACE" nickname allows net control to pass from one
station to another without confusion.
"ACE" being a single syllable, reduces key-down time,
making the net operate a bit faster.
For a reference on the use of this term: Cassini Mission ACE.

This web page can be used to present reports and business notes
if the information is sent to KC0JFQ prior to the meeting.
Those annoying scroll boxes you see below, if they show up correctly,
present the files with any of these reports (this web page ned not be edited).

Part 1, Introduction

        Try to stick to the outline until the OLD BUSINESS
        section to get through the introduction, roll call,
        and reports without unnecessary interruptions.
        We also limit the roll call to the membership list
        as this is primarily a club meeting.
Attention all stations on the W0JV repeater.

        Adjust the next paragraph as necessary to meet the
        conditions under which the meeting is being conducted.
Due to the corona virus outbreak the monthly ICARC meeting is being conducterd on this repater tonight.
Please set your access tone to 192.8 Hz.
Will the webmaster please activate an email client to monitor for any incoming message traffic that cannot be delivered over the air.

        We are using a videoconferencing system, ZOOM, to allow programs to
        be presented during the meetings. The link on the About ICARC web page
        Drops in to a login page for tonights meeting.
        If no program is planned, so we don't need the video conference , skip
        this paragraph         meeting.
A Program presentations may be accessed through the ZOOM video conferencing system.
A link to tonights meeting presentation may be found on the ICARC About ICARC web page at http://www.icarc.org/about_icarc.htm

        And away we go...
The meeting is conducted as an informal directed net.
We encourage all members to participate.
Any station with emergency traffic may break in at any time with the words "break" or "emergency" along with their call sign.

        The "ACE" simply refers to the net control station,
        the operator conducting the net.
Please direct all traffic to the net control station, called the "ACE".
Your ACE tonight is callsign.--- This is your Part 97 Station Identification
Use the phrase "ACE callsign" with your callsign, of course, to notify the net control station you have traffic.

I will now call the membership roll:

Please acknowledge with your call sign.
No traffic indication is necessary at this point.
At the end of the roll call we will reopen the net for additional check-ins.
As this is an open repeater, we gladly accept non-menber checkins after the roll call check-ins.

        Use the current ICARC Membership Roster for roll call:

        Open the net for additional checkins.
      Ask members that didn't appear on the roster to let
      us know so the member roster can be updated!

We are now about to open checkin to any additional stations.
Although not limited to ICARC members, please note if you are a
member that was not called out from the current roster.

        Log 'em in!
      And when done...

Having completed station checkin,
we are now ready to proceed with the meeting.

Part 2, Secretarys Report

        We expect the current secretary to provide a brief summary of the last meeting.
        The report should NOT have any personal information.

Your ACE tonight is callsign.--- This is your Part 97 Station Identification

We begin the formal part of the meeting with the secretarys report.
If the club secretary is on-line, please come now with your report.

If there are any additions or corrections, please come now

Hearing none, the report is accepted into the club records.
This is callsign.--- This is your Part 97 Station Identification

Part 3, Treasurers Report

        We expect the current treasurer to provide a brief summary of the clubs financial position.
        The report should NOT report detail (such as $$$) over the air.

Your ACE tonight is callsign.--- This is your Part 97 Station Identification

We will contuinue with the treasurers abbreviated report.
If the club treasurer is on-line, please come now with your report.

If there are any additions or corrections, please come now

Hearing none, the report is accepted into the club records.
This is callsign.--- This is your Part 97 Station Identification

Part 4, Old Business

        Query for any old businness.
        We will, in effect, open the net for participation.

Your ACE tonight is callsign.--- This is your Part 97 Station Identification

The net is now opening for old business.
Stations with old business please call net control.

Part 5, New Business

        Query for any new businness.
        We leave the net open for participation.

Your ACE tonight is callsign.--- This is your Part 97 Station Identification

The net is now opening for old business.
Stations with old business please call net control.

Part 6, Adjourn and Intermission

Your ACE tonight is callsign.--- This is your Part 97 Station Identification

        Entertain motions for adjournment.
Hearing no more new business, the ACE will now entertain motions for adjournment.

        If we are simulcasting, or face-to-face we may pause to allow for a pit stop before we begin the program.
We will now temporarily suspend the ICARC Meeting Net to allow access to the local facilities.

        If we are NOT simulcasting, we need to release the repeater back to general use.
        So note the lsck of facilities and proceed to section 8.

Tonights program is not available on-line or over-the-air.

Part 7, Program

            If the program can be presented through the internet,
        announce the access method and the URL for this page.

    Meeting links can be found at the following U.R.L.:
    Click on the Part 7, Program link to find additional
links to tonights content.
    This can be chased down without all the typing through the main
ICARC web site using the About ICARC button and then the
ICARC over-the-air meeting outline link in the
ICARC Documents section of that page.

            Primary net ACE can now pass control over to the
        program presenter for the duration of the program.

ACE passing net control to callsign. --- This is your Part 97 Station Identification (at the end of your transmission)

Your temporary ACE is callsign.--- This is your Part 97 Station Identification

ACE passing net control back to callsign. --- This is your Part 97 Station Identification (at the end of your transmission)

Part 8, Net Rundown

This concludes the ICARC monthly meeting.
Thanks to John Kauble, K0GH, and the members of the Iowa City Amateur Radio Club for keeping the WØJV repeater operating.
We now return this repeater to regular amateur use.

Your ACE tonight has been callsign, 73 and clear. --- This is your Part 97 Station Identification (at the end of your transmission)

Last updated   12 October 2020.