DX - Long Distance Communication
ICARC DX Resources
Solar X-Ray Flux: |
Geomagnetic Field: |
What's happening in the world of DX? Follow these links to find out:
- DX Bulletins
- 425 DX News
- A superb DX news site from Italy, with a weekly bulletin available via free email
subscription. Usually arrives on Friday. Subscription includes a DX Calendar.
- The Ohio/Penn
DX Bulletin (OPDX), edited by Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW.
- Another good DX information resource. Delivered every Sunday morning by free
e-mail subscription.
- DX News Letter (DXNL),
edited by Michael, DJ5AV.
- A good DX information source from Germany. Also available via a free e-mail
- The Daily DX
- This is a paid DX newsletter, which arrives each weekday, with extra editions for
rapidly breaking news. Bernie McClenny, W3UR, is the editor (and is also DX editor for
QST magazine). A two-week free trial is available on the web site. Rates are currently
$28 for 6 months, or $49 per year. (It is well worth the cost! -KØCF)
- ARRL DX Bulletin Archive
ARRL DX Bulletin Subscriptions
- Another source for DX information. As with the above newsletters, this is available
via e-mail subscription on the ARRL "Newsletters" page. It comes every Thursday afternoon.
- DX Information sites
- ARRL DXCC Program
- Most everyone who chases DX is after the DXCC award, or endorsements to it. Here is the
site with all the rules, "entity" (i.e., country) list, entry forms, FAQ, etc.
- DX Summit
- Finnish web resource for DX information, including live DX spots from all
around the world.
- NG3K Amateur Radio Contest/DX Page
- A great source for scheduled DX operations, both for general DX and contests.
(Even if you are not a contester, DX contests are a great time to pick up new
countries.) Also a tremendous collection of links for all things related to DX.
- DXWorld.net
- Features one-page graphical depictions of on-going DXpeditions. Nicely done
site with beautiful photography.
- The Complete DX'er -- by Bob Locher, W9KNI
- Far and away the most popular DX book ever written, "The Complete DX'er" is both the
highly entertaining diary of a serious DX chaser, and at the same time full of lessons
for DX'ing success. Written in a warm, personal style, this is a work you will read again
and again. It very much respects and honors the traditions of DX'ing, yet brings a sense
of excitement to the chase. $19.95 plus S/H.
- QSL Information
- Logbook of the World
- This is the ARRL's online logbook. Once signed up, you can upload your logs to LoTW.
When the DX you have worked uploads his logs, a "QSL" is generated. You can download your
QSL records to import into your computer log to show them as confirmed. You can then
submit these "QSLs" for DXCC, either a new award or endorsements to an existing one. The
only charge for using LoTW is when you file to use the LoTW QSLs to apply to your DXCC.
The cost is much less than getting a paper QSL and submitting it.
Inaugurated in September 2003, LoTW has more than 829 million QSO records on
file, with more than 145 million QSL records resulting. The system boasts just over 94,000
registered users.
Users of the ARRL's Logbook of the World may also apply their LoTW credits to applications
for the League's Worked All States (WAS) award. (US Amateur Radio licensees must be ARRL
members to apply for the WAS award.)
Some CQ Magazine awards are available through LoTW as well.
- IK3QAR QSL Manager Lookup
- From Italy, perhaps the most complete source for QSL managers. If you are not aware of
QSL managers, they are volunteers who take care of QSLing chores for busy DX stations.
Often, they are in the USA, so a QSL only costs two 49¢ stamps, (one on your outer
envelope, one on your SASE) instead of a $1.15 airmail stamp and two US dollar bills!
- Zero District QSL Bureau
- The QSL bureaus provide an inexpensive way of getting your DX QSL cards. You send $6.00
to the bureau to buy 5 envelopes with one 49¢
stamp on each, plus 8 extra stamps (at 21¢ each). When an envelope gets full of DX QSL
cards, they mail it to you. A good explanation of both the incoming and outgoing QSL
bureaus is available at the ARRL's Incoming
QSL Bureaus page and the Outgoing
QSL Service page.
- How to QSL
- QSL card printers -- some sources for your own QSL cards
- Thanks to Rich Haendel, W3ACO, for researching the data in this table. Rich uses (and HIGHLY
recommends) UX5UO for his QSLs. Prices are current as of April 1, 2017 and are subject to change.
Click on the QSL Printer's name to visit their web site.
Printer | Card Style | Price per 1,000 | E-Ham Rating | Comments
LZ1JZ | 2 color 1 side | See webpage | 4.9/228 | No charge for photos
| Others by quote |
| CheapQSLs.com | Black 1 side | $9.99/100+S/H $99.90/1000+S/H | 5.0/722 | Fixed format
| Full color 2 side | $28.95/100+S/H $289.50/1000+S/H
| UX5UO | 4 color 1 side | $59.00 ppd | 5.0/334 | No charge for photos
| Full color + 1 color back | $69.00 ppd
| Full color glossy + 1 color back | $76.00 ppd
| QSL Shop | Full color + black back | $120.00+S/H | 4.9/95 | No charge for photos
| Franklin Printing (WZ8P) | Full color front + black back | $143.00 ppd | 5.0/1 |
E-ham rating is the rating / number of reviewers. 5.0 is the highest rating.
- Propagation
- N6RT's Propagation Page
- Excellent near real time propagation information collected from numerous sources.
- ARRL Propagation Bulletin Archive
- ARRL's excellent weekly propagation bulletins by K7RA. Available by free email subscription on the
ARRL web site, as well as in the archive page linked here.
- ARRL QST Propagation Charts
- These charts used to appear monthly in QST. Very useful graph of maximun and minimum usable frequency
from the USA to various areas worldwide. (Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view.)
- NOAA GOES 1 min & 5 min X-ray Flux
- NOAA's plot of solar X-Ray flux, a measure of the intensity of ionization in the earth's ionosphere.
Updated each minute, shows 6-hour and 3-day spans.
- NOAA Planetary K Index
- NOAA's plot of the geomagnetic K-index, a measure of disturbances in the earth's magnetic field,
which is detrimental to HF propagation. Auroras often appear when the K-index is very high.
Updated every five minutes, shows a 3-day span.
- Near-Real-Time MUF Map
- A very nice world map showing the Maximum Usable Frequency (MUF) over the entire globe.
- NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center
- A nice collection of NOAA propagation data. Links provided to other NOAA pages.
They have a nice collection of charts.
- SpaceWeather.com
- Very nicely done site, with lots of information about space weather other than propagation-related
- SolarHam.net
- Provided by VE3EN. A lot of propagation-related info in one place. Very attractively done!
- A very useful and elegantly designed propagation forecast site. You select both ends of a path,
antenna type and transmitter power. The results appear on a world map and a 24-hour wheel that
shows path reliability by band. A must-see resource!
- WM7D's Solar Resource Page
- A nice collection of propagation data by WM7D.
Last updated October 25, 2017 by KØCF