Skywarn® Net Operations
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Skywarn® Net
Note: This information is provided as a service to local amateur radio operators, the Johnson County
Emergency Management Agency and the NWS. The Iowa City Amateur Radio Club does not sponsor,
nor is in any way officially involved with this net.
- The WØJV Repeater (147.150 MHz, 192.8 Hz tone) is used for severe weather (Skywarn®) nets
- Nets are called only when a NWS severe thunderstorm warning or tornado warning is in effect for
any part of Johnson County
- Any licensed amateur radio operator may open a net
- Net control may be passed to another station. This might especially apply if the first station
is mobile or for some reason cannot hold the repeater
- The net is opened with these words, or similar:
All stations on frequency, this is [_call sign_] calling the Johnson County Skywarn Net. This
net is being called because the National Weather Service has issued a ["Severe Thunderstorm",
" Tornado"] warning that includes parts of Johnson County. The net is now open for check-ins.
Please call.
- Net control should record the start time of the net and a list of those checking in. If severe
weather is actually occurring, that should be reported at time of check-in. Net control should
note the exact time of any report of severe weather. It is critical that weather surpassing the
severe limits also be reported immediately to NWS.
- If time permits, the net control station may provide a short briefing about the nature and location
of the storm. Those with radar images from NWS may update this briefing as needed. Stations should
be reminded that the storm spotter reference sheet should be consulted to determine reportable weather.
- Stations should spot from safe locations; this net does NOT require or encourage "chasing."
- Unnecessary chat should be avoided.
- Net control should periodically identify the net and ask for additional check-ins.
- When the NWS warning for the county has expired or been canceled, the net should stand down.
- The net control station or some person designated should make a formal written report for Johnson
County Emergency Management.
(April 19, 2017 by KIØJP)
Last updated April 22, 2017 by KØCF
Skywarn® and the Skywarn® logo are registered trademarks of the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration, used with permission.