ICARC Meeting Minutes
June 10, 2020
Iowa City Amateur Radio Club June 2020 on-air meeting, 6/10/2020. Meeting opened at 7:00 PM local
on the W0JV repeater (146.85). KI0JP acted as facilitator and president Emmet KE0NBH joined the
meeting via a phone-to-radio link set up by KC0JFQ. The following stations checked in by radio:
KI0JP, K2JLA, AC0XY, KC0JFQ, K0LUM, KC0WLO, W0JWC, W3ACO and W0WP (total counting all means of
joining: 10). First topic was club insurance for ICARC. This has been paid and is an annual policy
rather than an event-specific one).
Secretary's Report for the May meeting was read and was approved without objection.
Treasurer's Report: ICARC club insurance premium has been paid and is an annual policy rather than
an event-specific one for FD. This was the only expense since the May meeting. No objections, so
report approved.
Repeater Report: The W0JV repeater was reported as working properly.
Old business: ICARC participation in ARRL Field Day will be handled through log submissions by
each participant under their own call signs, with a note on the submission that the station
reporting is a member of ICARC. No fee was collected by Iowa City for park use since all requests
for that time and location were canceled.
New Business: Additional questions asked and answered about Field Day. Members were encouraged to
participate as home stations and to check the ARRL web site for updated rules for 2020 FD.
KC0JFQ noted that those interested in participating in a fox hunt on
Saturday should join a brief net at 7:30 PM on Friday, June 12
to determine a time and place.
The net will be called by KC0JFQ if he is available for the hunt.
Meeting closed approximately 7:30 PM
ICARC Meeting Minutes Index
Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF