ICARC Meeting Minutes
The February 12, 2020 meeting of ICARC was held at the Highway 1 west Pizza Ranch
The meeting was opened by Emmett KE0NBH, President with 9 in attendance. Those in attendance introduced themselves with name and call.
The treasurer’s report was presented by Willie KC0JFQ and was approved
The January minutes were presented by David K0LUM and was approved.
The University Amateur club is having a license class at the Phusics Building conducted by Arya KE0CHS. There is a planned April test session. These are open to all.
Field Day is June 27-28 this year. We have a permit to hold it at Hickory Hill Park again this year thanks to Rich W3ACO. Jonathan W0CK and Mike K0QKF are leading the planning.
2020 SKYWARN training in Johnson County will take place March 25 6:30-8:00 PM. See for location and registration.
A Fox hunt is planned as soon as the weather gets warm enough. It will be announcd on the Sunday evening net.
Following adjournment Willie KE0JFQ presented a program on his development of a series of Fox transmitters. Quite impressive.
David K0LUM Secretary.
PS: on the about ICARC page the section about field day is for 2018. Also it says you last updated t December 2018.