February 14, 2018
1. President Rich W3ACO opened the meeting at 7:00 PM. 2. The 11 hams present introduced themselves. 3. The minutes of the January meeting will appear on the ICARC website. 4. Treasurer Willie KC0JFQ reported the status of the club treasury. 5. John K0GH reported by relay that the repeater is working OK. 6. Vice-President Emmett KE0NBH is Field Day coordinator. 7. Fox hunt: Want to hold it before Field Day. Want to hold it at Kent Park. David K0LUM to Contact Kent Park. Need several transmitters. John AC0XY has one that can be used. The two that George W0PPF has may or may not be suitable. 8. QRP transceiver: Should be 40 meters. A number of members have either ordered or received a kit already. Order from QRP Labs. Hope to have a local weekly slow speed CW practice net. 9. Rich W3ACO has completed his kit and showed some of the tools he used: Aven 1719 Board holder about $13 from Amazon. Flush cutter about $2 at Menards. 20 to 40 W soldering iron with fine tip. Rosin core solder .031 or less (63/37 best) (not Chinese). 10X Jewelers loupe. Oenbopo headband binocular magnifier with light about $13 from Amazon. Solder wick for unsoldering. 10. ARRL CW DX Contest this weekend. Good opportunity to bag new countries. 11. Latest information on the 3Y0Z DXpedition discussed. 12. Meeting closed at 7:33 PM. 13. Following the meeting Craig K0CF displayed and demonstrated some of the tools he uses. Excellent program. David Christ, K0LUM ICARC Secretary
Last updated March 4, 2018 by KØCF