ICARC Meeting Minutes

January 10, 2018

1. The meeting was called to order by President Rich W3ACO at 7:06 PM.

2. Fifteen amateurs and hopeful amateurs introduced themselves.

3. The December minutes were not available.

4. Treasurer Willy KC0JFQ reported a positive bank balance, not including
   dues paid at the meeting. Report was approved.

5. Repeater trustee John K0GH reported no issues with the repeater.

6. Paul KF4KDT has the antenna analyzer this month.

7. Jeff KI0JP and Brandon KE0JZW will be Sunday evening net control for the
   coming month.

8. ICARC has a new reflector. Contact Craig K0CF if you have issues or still
   need to be added. You should have received a welcome message by now.

9. Bob Laudie WA6SZT our senior member became a Silent Key over Christmas.
   73 OM!

10. Field Day June 23-24, 2018:
   • Cory W0CJB will be general coordinator.
   • Willy KC0JFQ will coordinate food for Saturday evening pot luck.
   • Main dish will be provided.
   • Attendees can bring side dishes if desired.
   • Rich W3ACO will coordinate radios and antennas.
   • Will run class 3A emergency power.
   • Will have antennas for 80 through 10 (no WARC).
   • Kyle KD0ZBI will coordinate logging computers and network.
   • Do not need to be an ICARC member or licensed to participate.
   • Will be at Hickory Hill Park same as last year.
11. Fox Hunt on 2 meters:
   • Proposed for April at Kent Park.
   • At least two Foxes.
   • Hope to have program on building antennas for Fox hunting.

12. QRP transceiver group build:
   • Some of the members are planning a group build of the QRP Labs QCX CW
   • Information and ordering at http://www.qrp-labs.com/qcx.html.
   • Cost is $49. Order soon as there is a backlog.
   • Most will be ordering the 40 meter version.
   • Assistance and guidance by experts will be available.
   • Tech license holders are encouraged to participate as they have 40 meter
   • We hope to have a monthly CW practice net. For this a minimal antenna
     will suffice.
   • For planning purposes it would help to notify Rich W3ACO if you are
     planning to participate.
   • Let us know if you have or if you need soldering iron or other tools.
   • Time and place to be agreed on later.

13. Share the radio:
   • We have three or four members who are willing to share their shack with
     those who are not able to have one of their own.
   • This is an opportunity to get your feet wet in DXing.
   • Several rare entities will be on in the near future.
   • Contact W3ACO if interested.

14. Future programs:
   • February: Tools for the Radio Amateur by K0CF.
   • March: Digital Radio (or DXpediton Video).

15. Next VE session likely in April. Tests for all levels will be given.

David Christ, K0LUM
ICARC Secretary

ICARC Meeting Minutes Index

Last updated March 4, 2018 by KØCF