ICARC Meeting Minutes
March 9, 2011
- The meeting was called to order by club president KØCF at 7:30 PM . 19 Hams were present including 2 guests.
- Club Secretary KØACP read the meeting minutes. Minutes were accepted.
- Club Treasurer, KCØJFQ was present and reported great weather in Denver - sunny on the Rivera of the rockies. He incidentally reported
a healthy balance in the bank.
- Cash was dispensed at the last meeting for an outstanding bill.
- Johnson County ARES report by WWØQ, EC:
- New ARES repeater is on 145.29 MHz, -600 KHz offest, requires a 192.8 Hz PL tone, and does transmit a 192.8 Hz tone for tone squelch in
your receiver.
- Weather spotter class will be at 6:30 PM on March 24 at the Coralville Public Library. Advance registration is required via the link on the
ICARC web site.
- On April 21 the Duane Arnold exercise will be held at the fairgrounds.
- RAGBRAI will stop in Coralville in July.
- The next Johnson County ARES meeting will be at 7:00 PM on March 15 at the Johnson County Joint Communications Center.
- Repeater update: It was reported that the repeater was disabled by a low-level signal at the input, which kept it timed out for about an
hour on Tuesday, March 8th.
- KIØJP will be net control for coming month.
Old Business
- KØACP reported that the technician class had started but is going kaput due to lack of students. VE session will still be held on April 5, 2011.
- ICARC will do a special event station on August 6, 2011 for Hoover fest.
- We will try to register KØH as the special event callsign.
- KØCF is collecting information on what we will be required to provide -- generator, tent, extension cords, etc.
- KØCF reported that the new link on the ICARC website to a Johnson County ARES page is a work in progress.
New Business
- ICARC's "icarc.org" domain name has been renewed; KØCF will be reimbursed for the cost.
- KØLUM reminded KØCF to refile a 501C3 application for ICARC with the IRS.
At 7:55 PM the meeting was adjourned.
A very interesting program was presented by Mark, NØRXD, on APRS (Automatic Position Reporting System).
Art Peters, KØACP
ICARC Secretary
ICARC Meeting Minutes Index
Last updated April 18, 2017 by KØCF