ICARC Meeting Minutes

March 9, 2011

  1. The meeting was called to order by club president KØCF at 7:30 PM . 19 Hams were present including 2 guests.
  2. Club Secretary KØACP read the meeting minutes. Minutes were accepted.
  3. Club Treasurer, KCØJFQ was present and reported great weather in Denver - sunny on the Rivera of the rockies. He incidentally reported a healthy balance in the bank.
    1. Cash was dispensed at the last meeting for an outstanding bill.
  4. Johnson County ARES report by WWØQ, EC:
    1. New ARES repeater is on 145.29 MHz, -600 KHz offest, requires a 192.8 Hz PL tone, and does transmit a 192.8 Hz tone for tone squelch in your receiver.
    2. Weather spotter class will be at 6:30 PM on March 24 at the Coralville Public Library. Advance registration is required via the link on the ICARC web site.
    3. On April 21 the Duane Arnold exercise will be held at the fairgrounds.
    4. RAGBRAI will stop in Coralville in July.
    5. The next Johnson County ARES meeting will be at 7:00 PM on March 15 at the Johnson County Joint Communications Center.
  5. Repeater update: It was reported that the repeater was disabled by a low-level signal at the input, which kept it timed out for about an hour on Tuesday, March 8th.
  6. KIØJP will be net control for coming month.

Old Business

  1. KØACP reported that the technician class had started but is going kaput due to lack of students. VE session will still be held on April 5, 2011.
  2. ICARC will do a special event station on August 6, 2011 for Hoover fest.
    1. We will try to register KØH as the special event callsign.
    2. KØCF is collecting information on what we will be required to provide -- generator, tent, extension cords, etc.
  3. KØCF reported that the new link on the ICARC website to a Johnson County ARES page is a work in progress.

New Business

  1. ICARC's "icarc.org" domain name has been renewed; KØCF will be reimbursed for the cost.
  2. KØLUM reminded KØCF to refile a 501C3 application for ICARC with the IRS.

At 7:55 PM the meeting was adjourned.

A very interesting program was presented by Mark, NØRXD, on APRS (Automatic Position Reporting System).

Art Peters, KØACP
ICARC Secretary

ICARC Meeting Minutes Index

Last updated April 18, 2017 by KØCF