ICARC Meeting Minutes
November 10, 2010
- The meeting was called to order by club president KØLUM at 7:30. 16 Hams were present.
- Club Secretary KØACP read the meeting minutes. Minutes were accepted.
- Club Treasurer, KCØJFQ reported a healthy balance in the bank.
- Dues season is upon us, please pay next month.
- 501C3 status for ICARC has been updated and assured.
- KØACP will be net control for the coming month.
Old Business:
- W3ACO has completed 2 CW classes with 6 people in attendance. Next class will be next Thursday at 7:00 PM at NOØB QTH.
- Election of officers will be next month.
- Dave Christ will not be available for Presidential duties or for Field Day in 2011.
New Business:
- Monthly Meeting at JCEOC Tuesday November 16 at 7:00 PM. The gate will be open (we hope!).
- ARES net for Johnson County will continue to meet at 8:30 PM on Sundays on the Coralville repeater (147.15 MHz).
- K9TND made an announcement to celebrate and thank Veterans.
At 7:43 PM the meeting was adjourned.
Program: Rich Haendel, W3ACO presented a very informative program on transmission lines.
Art Peters, KØACP
ICARC Secretary
ICARC Meeting Minutes Index
Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF