ICARC Meeting Minutes

September 14, 2010

  1. The meeting was called to order by club president KØLUM at 7:26 PM. 16 Hams were present.
  2. Club Secretary KØACP read the June meeting minutes. Minutes were accepted.
  3. Club Treasurer KCØJFQ reported a healthy balance in the bank. $64 is owed to W3ACO for Field Day 2011 at City Park.
  4. The Grant Wood meeting room can now only be booked 90-days in advance. IC Public Library is poor for parking. Coralville only allows 1 meeting at a time reservations. KØACP will follow-up with the Library Director to see a longer-term reservation could be made for our not-for-profit. Kirkwood in IC may also be a solution.
  5. W3ACO looked into insurance alternatives. We currently carry $2 million in liability for $325 per year.
  6. KØLUM questioned adjusting the dues.
  7. Elections will be forthcoming.
  8. Net Control for the next 4 weeks will be KØACP - script is on the website.

New Business:

  1. KØLUM passed out a motion passed by the board of directors that HamRad will be divested from the ICARC. It will henceforth be disassociated with ICARC.
  2. HamRad update:
    1. WWØQ said that Iowa ARES and EMA claim that there is no liability.
    2. WØJV callsign will no longer be used at JCEMA: Moved, seconded and passed. (Operators will use their own callsigns.)
    3. ICARC will no longer be party to the letter of agreement between HamRad and Duane Arnold nuclear power station: Moved, seconded and passed.
    4. KIØJP will ask to amend the severe weather script to add the phrase "Thanks to ICARC for use of the WØJV repeater."
    5. EOC will use the 147.15 MHz Coralville repeater.
    6. KØLUM tabled further conversation till next month.

At 8:20 PM the meeting was adjourned.

The program was a video of the "MicroLite Penguin" DXpedition group's South Sandwich and South Georgia Islands operations.

Art Peters, KØACP
ICARC Secretary

ICARC Meeting Minutes Index

Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF