ICARC Meeting Minutes
May 12, 2010
- The meeting was called to order by club president KØLUM at 7:30 PM. 19 Hams were present.
- Club Secretary KØACP read the meeting minutes. Minutes were accepted.
- Club Treasurer, KCØJFQ reported a healthy balance in the treasury.
- No formal repeater report.
- Squelch was loosened to support remote weak signal access.
- DTMF was adjusted.
- WØICY will be Net Control for June.
- KIØJP will be backup.
- The Duane Arnold walkthrough will be May 27th at 6:00 PM at the Johnson County Fairgrounds.
- Please let WWØQ if you can attend for a dinner head count.
- IS700 and IS100 and/or IS200 class certification is again encouraged.
- Look at developing go-kits for deployment in the fall.
- Old Business.
- KØACP will publish a Saturday Tech Class decision in mid May.
- New Business.
- WBØMCX mentioned that July venue for "junk in the trunk" is still available.
- Field Day - NØPFT.
- Distributed documents.
- KØACP will coordinate chow.
- Burgers.
- Brats - boiled prior.
- Chicken breast.
- Buns.
- Ketchup, mustard.
- Relish.
- Folks to bring covered dish.
- Plates.
- Cooler with soda, water, Gator-Ade.
- Antennas will be used from last year with a 20m vertical.
- KØLUM will bring antennas.
- Set-up will be 4:00 on Friday.
- W3ACO will be requested to bring "spud gun" & spool of cord.
- Mark, NØRXD, will rent generator.
- KØKK will bring weather radio.
- KØLUM will bring yellow caution tape, steel poles and milk jugs.
- KØLUM will issue media alert.
- KDØJHW will coordinate with Washington ARC to do net message traffic.
- Meeting is adjourned at 8:30 PM.
Program: Albert, NØPFT did a presentation on PSK31. (You may download a zipped
copy of the presentation here.)
Art Peters, KØACP
ICARC Secretary
ICARC Meeting Minutes Index
Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF