ICARC Meeting Minutes
April 14, 2010
- The meeting was called to order by club president KØLUM at 7:30 PM. 15 Hams were present.
- Club Secretary KØACP read the meeting minutes. Minutes were accepted.
- Club Treasurer, KCØJFQ reported having returned from the Bahamas. A healthy bank balance
was reported.
- No Repeater report.
- HamRad - WWØQ
- May 27th Duane Arnold Emergency walkthrough dinner is included. WWØQ is looking for
a "good" turnout. This will be held at the Johnson County Fairgrounds, Building C.
- WWØQ ran a table top exercise from a recent class dealing with a bus and tanker accident
on I80 near a mythical rainforest park. Iowa Patrol or county sheriff would be in charge, the
command post would be upwind. Johnson County EOC would be activated - KIØJP offered a
spirited argument for who should be in charge.
- Field Day - NØPFV
- Distributed documents.
- Old Business
- KØACP will publish a Saturday Tech Class decision in mid May.
- New Business
- KCØJFQ will renew insurance for the coming year.
- KØCF is owed $42 for ICARC domain name registration.
- WWØQ will be Net Control for May.
- WØICY will be Net Control for June.
- Meeting is adjourned at 8:00 PM.
Emery Hemingway, KDØJHV, did a presentation on radio propagation mapping.
Art Peters, KØACP
ICARC Secretary
ICARC Meeting Minutes Index
Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF