ICARC Meeting Minutes
March 10, 2010
- The meeting was called to order by club president KØLUM at 7:30 PM. 21 Hams were present.
- Club Secretary KØACP read the meeting minutes. Minutes were accepted with one correction.
- Club Treasurer KCØJFQ reported having returned from the Bahamas with a healthy treasury balance.
- Announcements:
- Coralville Library Meeting Room A for next month's (April) ICARC meeting. The meeting will begin
at the normal time.
- Please turn your 2 meter radio on and monitor the WØJV repeater.
- Weather spotter training on March 29th at the IC public library.
- Thanks given to Rich, W3ACO, for an exceptional antenna modeling session.
- Some frequencies are still being reserved for the Chile earthquake disaster.
- Senate 1755 has passed the US Senate; ARRL has requested that you contact your US Representative
to support the bill.
- No update for supporting the Bike Ride.
- ICARC was approached to do something for a Cub Scout Pack. We are looking at doing it den by den.
KØCF will host the first den at his QTH.
- Field Day will be June 26 & 27
- Site has been reserved.
- Albert, NØPFT, passed along a signup sheet.
- We are looking at doing a satellite QSO.
- W3ACO suggested that we bring spouses / significant others for a social time & supper.
- We may be 3A if there are enough operators.
- HamRad, WWØQ:
- MIA.
- KCØJFQ - offered up CDs with manuals and software for the EMC Kenwood radio.
- No Repeater report.
- 146.88 is off the air in Davenport.
- Dennis, WBØMCX said the repeater autopatch does not work well.
- KØACP will run another Tech class likely starting in April.
- KDØIDZ has started scouring the countryside looking for active scouts. He has now expanded
his efforts to hit a Johnson County e-mail reflector.
- KIØJP has offered to be Net Control.
- KØLUM moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 PM.
Program: KØCF did a presentation on QSLing. (Click here
to download a copy of the presentation.)
Art Peters, KØACP
ICARC Secretary
ICARC Meeting Minutes Index
Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF