ICARC Meeting Minutes

March 10, 2010

  1. The meeting was called to order by club president KØLUM at 7:30 PM. 21 Hams were present.
  2. Club Secretary KØACP read the meeting minutes. Minutes were accepted with one correction.
  3. Club Treasurer KCØJFQ reported having returned from the Bahamas with a healthy treasury balance.
  4. Announcements:
    1. Coralville Library Meeting Room A for next month's (April) ICARC meeting. The meeting will begin at the normal time.
    2. Please turn your 2 meter radio on and monitor the WØJV repeater.
    3. Weather spotter training on March 29th at the IC public library.
    4. Thanks given to Rich, W3ACO, for an exceptional antenna modeling session.
    5. Some frequencies are still being reserved for the Chile earthquake disaster.
    6. Senate 1755 has passed the US Senate; ARRL has requested that you contact your US Representative to support the bill.
    7. No update for supporting the Bike Ride.
    8. ICARC was approached to do something for a Cub Scout Pack. We are looking at doing it den by den. KØCF will host the first den at his QTH.
  5. Field Day will be June 26 & 27
    1. Site has been reserved.
    2. Albert, NØPFT, passed along a signup sheet.
    3. We are looking at doing a satellite QSO.
    4. W3ACO suggested that we bring spouses / significant others for a social time & supper.
    5. We may be 3A if there are enough operators.
  6. HamRad, WWØQ:
    1. MIA.
    2. KCØJFQ - offered up CDs with manuals and software for the EMC Kenwood radio.
  7. No Repeater report.
    1. 146.88 is off the air in Davenport.
    2. Dennis, WBØMCX said the repeater autopatch does not work well.
  8. KØACP will run another Tech class likely starting in April.
  9. KDØIDZ has started scouring the countryside looking for active scouts. He has now expanded his efforts to hit a Johnson County e-mail reflector.
  10. KIØJP has offered to be Net Control.
  11. KØLUM moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 PM.

Program: KØCF did a presentation on QSLing. (Click here to download a copy of the presentation.)

Art Peters, KØACP
ICARC Secretary

ICARC Meeting Minutes Index

Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF