ICARC Meeting Minutes
February 10, 2010
- The meeting was called to order by club president KØLUM at 7:36 PM. 26 Hams were present.
- Club Treasurer, KCØJFQ (in absentia from the Bahamas) -- no report.
- Club Secretary KØACP read the meeting minutes. Minutes were accepted.
- HamRad, WWØQ:
- Exercise on February 2, "Operation FAT TIRE" - Communications room was activated.
- The object was multi-county communication.
- The VHF/UHF radios will need to be reprogrammed for local area repeaters.
- Desire to use WØJV as digital ID.
- Need to relocate ICARC's beam and wire antennas out of the storage room.
- No Repeater report.
- Field Day:
- Site has been reserved.
- Albert, NØPFV, will build a sign-up sheet.
- We may be 3A if there are enough operators.
- KIØJP has offered to be Net Control.
- KØACP reported that there will be a VE session next Tuesday 2/16 at 6:00 PM.
- KDØIDZ has started scouring the countryside looking for active scouts
New Business
- WWØQ has checked with our trustee and has permission to use the WØJV callsign when the Johnson County EOC
station is activated. It was moved, seconded and approved.
- Antennas need to be moved from Johnson County EOC within the next month. KØLUM has offered to store them
at his workshop. Moved and approved.
- KØCF offered 5 copies of a plastic-laminated local repeater directory and map.
- W3ACO mentioned that more folks need to be monitoring local repeaters.
- WWØQ requested the status of the 3 Davenport repeaters - no definitive news.
- KØLUM was approached to support the Hills/Kalona bike ride. There was general interest in finding out
more information.
- ABØDX offered to assist with the bike ride on behalf of the Washington ARC.
- KØLUM adjourned the meeting at 8:00 PM.
- W3ACO gave a presentation on Antenna Modeling using the EZNEC 4.0 software. Almost everyone brought their
laptop computer to get the software and follow the lesson. The next two sessions will be held the next two
Wednesdays at 6:30 PM at the Coralville Public Library.
Art Peters, KØACP
ICARC Secretary
ICARC Meeting Minutes Index
Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF