ICARC Meeting Minutes

September 9, 2009

  1. Club President, KØCF called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM at the Grant Wood AEA. 16 hams and 3 guests were in attendance.
  2. Club Treasurer, KCØJFQ, reported a healthy bank balance.
  3. Club Secretary, KØACP, read the minutes from the August meeting. Minutes were approved with two corrections.
  4. HamRad, WWØQ, reported:
    1. 3 UHF/VHF Hustlers 7/8"hardline at 110, 102, and 69'.
    2. Alpha-Delta will be an inverted Vee at an Apex of 65' either LMR400 or LMR900.
    3. Strange case of Johnson County ARES Coordinator - received an AARL ARES to WWØQ. Conversation with Dan Miller:
      1. Nothing has changed in Johnson County will be HamRad.
      2. HamRad Director will be appointment from ICARC.
      3. WWØQ will continue to be HamRad for Johnson County.
    4. ICARC HamRad members will receive HamRad ID Cards and will require a signed receipt. This is because:
      1. Our role in supporting an event will be asked to handle confidential or sensitive information.
      2. We agree to play by the rules.
      3. We agree that we are not first responders.
      4. Johnson County EMA can withdraw at any time.
      5. Johnson County EOC operators will require 3 certifications and a background check.
    5. HF antenna has not yet been pulled up.
    6. KØCF asked if room has been furnished. WWØQ has not been out to the facility so status not known.
    7. Facility is diesel-generator covered.
  5. Repeater:
    1. No formal repeater report was presented. However, it is still working and the squelch has been turned up.
    2. The autopatch still has trouble with some touchtone pads.
  6. Net control:
    1. Net control duties for September / October will be provided by KIØJP.
Old Business
  1. Room is not available on November 11th.
  2. KØACP will reserve one of the meeting rooms.
  3. The club will debrief on Field Day results at the September meeting.
    1. We will be up to 3A.
New Business
  1. KØCF made a couple of handouts for club members.
  2. In July Elmer Ferrel, KGØDL, passed away. Estate items for sale include dual-band 17/12 meter yagi, a Ringo Ranger, a homebrew antenna, Kenwood TS570D for $500, Kenwood TS520, Heathkit HW99 Novice CW 50 watts with built in power supply, MFJ versa tuner, Dentron supertuner, Bencher BY2 paddle, and a Realistic SW receiver. KØCF will put a list on the website.
  3. KØCF demonstrated a cool power strip.
  4. Dennis mentioned that the Peoria hamfest is coming up.
  5. KØACP asked to get some QSL cards printed; KØCF will provide some that he printed himself.

W3ACO moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 PM.

Art Peters, KØACP
ICARC Secretary

ICARC Meeting Minutes Index

Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF