ICARC Meeting Minutes

March 11, 2009

  1. Club President, KØCF, called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM at the Grant Wood AEA Building. 15 hams were in attendance.
  2. Club Treasurer, KCØJFQ, reported a healthy bank balance.
  3. Club Secretary, KØACP, read the minutes from the February meeting. Minutes were approved with a couple of call sign corrections provided by KØCF.
  4. HAMRAD -- WWØQ reported:
    1. Severe weather season had started early in 2009 and that the Iowa City Weather Spotter training would be held at the IC Public Library on April 9th from 6:30 to 9:00. You must be preregistered to attend.
    2. The new Johnson County EMA center would be located at the SW corner of Melrose Avenue and Hwy 218. Badges will be required for entry; KCØJFQ took portraits to use on ID badges.
    3. On May 13th Duane Arnold Power plant will be holding an emergency drill at the Johnson County Fairgrounds.
    4. A survey was distributed for all present to complete to identify HAMRAD volunteers. A plea was issued to new and additional members to assist as net control. Experience can be gained by running the Johnson County Sunday evening net. Additionally, IS700, IS100A and IS200A test certifications are required to work in the new Johnson County Emergency Operations Center.
  5. Repeater:
    1. No formal repeater report was presented; however, general consensus is that the repeater continues to work well except for some problems with DTMF tones on the auto-patch.
  6. Net control:
    1. Net control duties for April will be provided by KIØJP; however, he is lonely and would welcome a volunteer to assist.

Old Business

  1. WØIO License was renewed.
  2. HR9 looks like it will not be passed; however, it has been modified to exempt ham radio operators.
  3. Field Day 09-
    1. Shelter in Upper City Park has been reserved
    2. May meeting will be dedicated to planning for field day
  4. KC7QMF, Peter, again was soliciting interest in a mobile ham radio display at the August Hooverfest on 8/1/09 from noon to 7:00 PM.

New Business

  1. No new business was submitted.

KIØJP moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 PM.

The program was a video from the Northern California DX Foundation on the DXpedition to Clipperton Island, off the west coast of Mexico, and due south of San Diego.

Respectfully submitted,
Art Peters, KØACP
ICARC Secretary

ICARC Meeting Minutes Index

Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF