ICARC Meeting Minutes
December 10, 2008
- Club President KIØJP called the meeting to order at 7:27 PM at the Grant Wood AEA Building. 28
hams were in attendance.
- Treasurer's report: KCØJFQ reported a healthy bank balance.
- Secretary's report: The November 2008 meeting minutes were read and approved, after making one
- HAMRAD and Repeater reports: None.
Old Business:
- Membership Drive: Craig (KØCF) reported that the drive was still pending with a target date of
February 2009.
- Membership Dues: After reviewing the status of the ICARC Treasury, it was proposed (W3ACO) and
seconded (KØACP) that annual dues for 2009 be reduced by $5 from their current levels, namely
Single, $10; Family, $15; Single Senior, $5; Senior Family, $10; Student $5. An overwhelming
majority voted in favor of this motion. It was recommended that the club revisit the issue of
dues structure at each December meeting.
- Election of Club Officers for 2009: No additions were made to the slate of nominations presented
at our November meeting, namely: President, KØCF; Vice-President, KIØJP; Secretary, KØACP;
Treasurer, KCØJFQ; Program Chair, W3ACO. All were unanimously elected.
New Business:
- President KIØJP thanked the outgoing club officers for their service to the club during 2008, with
W3ACO receiving special recognition for presenting several fine talks during the year.
- Field Day 2009: Following a lengthy discussion, it was moved (KØACP), seconded (KØCF), and passed
that the Club hold Field Day operations in 2009. The pro and cons of several potential locations
were reviewed before agreement was reached that W3ACO should obtain information from Kent Park for
further discussion at January's meeting. W3ACO proposed that the club consider replacing its broken
20 meter antenna with a new one of modest price. This motion was tabled until cost estimates become
The evening concluded with an excellent presentation by Nelson Moyer (KUØA) on low band receive antennas.
Jonathan Poulton, WØCK, Secretary
ICARC Meeting Minutes Index
Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF