ICARC Meeting Minutes

May 14, 2008

  1. Club President KIØJP called the meeting to order at 7:29 PM at the Grant Wood AEA Building. 21 hams were in attendance.
  2. Treasurer's report: KCØJFQ reported a healthy bank balance.
  3. Secretary's report: The April 2008 meeting minutes were read and approved, after making one revision.
  4. HAMRAD report: Rich (WWØQ) announced that JCEMA Assistant Director Sue Faith stepped down on May 1, but her replacement has not yet been identified. In continuing discussions with Director Dave Wilson, Rich has stressed HAMRAD's need for space in the future Joint Communication Center. Rich circulated for consideration by HAMRAD members the JCSWN Reporting Protocol recently drafted by the National Weather Service.
  5. November 12 Meeting: It was moved, seconded, and passed that KUØA reserve a room at the Coralville Public Library for our November 12 meeting.
  6. Senior Center Demonstration Stations: Spearheaded by W3ACO, plans are well underway to stage four ham radio demonstrations at the Iowa City Senior Center (2nd Floor) at 1 PM on June 6, June 20, July 11, and July 25. In response to a call for an operator and an assistant at each session, KUØA, W5FH, KØACP, WWØQ, KØCF, and KIØJP stepped forward as volunteers. KØCF will apprise Station Trustee KØGH of our desire to use the call WØJV at these events. W3ACO reported that station costs were higher ($290 rather then $240) than originally estimated. It was moved, seconded, and passed that the Club cover the overrun. All is ready for antenna installation, which is scheduled for May 31 or June 1.
  7. WØJV Sunday Evening Net: WWØQ kindly agreed to serve as Net Control for mid-May through mid-June.
  8. Website hamfest update: KØCF offered to update the ICARC website regarding hamfest dates.
  9. July ICARC meeting (July 9): WBØMCX reported the Junk-in-the-Trunk Fest will most likely take place as expected, but no firm commitment has been made to ICARC yet.
  10. Field Day Report: Final plans for this year's FD activity and potluck supper will be made at the June meeting. We expect to use two IC-746s to run our usual 2A at Scott Church Corner. Likely antennas include a tribander, supported by our infamous crank-up tower, and 1-2 wire antennas from last year. The Club will underwrite breakfast costs.
  11. The program for May was an excellent video on the engineering feats required by the 2007 BS7H Scarborough Reef DXpeditioners to put this controversial and much sought after DXCC entity on the air.

Jonathan Poulton, WØCK, Secretary

ICARC Meeting Minutes Index

Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF