ICARC Meeting Minutes

March 12, 2008

  1. Club President (KIØJP) called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM at the Grant Wood AEA Building, Coralville.
  2. Treasurer (KCØJFQ) reported a healthy bank balance. Dues are still due.
  3. Minutes from the February meeting are on-line.
  4. Weather spotter training will take place on Saturday, March 15, at 11:00 AM at the Johnson County Fairgrounds.
  5. The bill for the antenna for the UI Hospitals and Clinics will go to the Treasurer for payment.
  6. Because 1.970 MHz was busy, the recent Sunday evening test on 160 meters used 1.973 MHz.
  7. Members are reminded that the VHF Sideband Net meets every Sunday night on 144.190 MHz immediately following the Johnson County Net.
  8. Responses to the Club's offer to provides free QST subscriptions to local schools were as follows:
    • City HS: No interest.
    • Regina HS: Subscription desired.
    • West HS: Wishes to see the magazine to evaluate.
    All three schools are interested in licensing classes.
  9. W3ACO will investigate outreach projects that may include such things as a Ham Station and Ham Radio Class at a local High School and a Ham Class at the Iowa City Senior Center. Ray Meyer indicated that he would set up a meeting with the Senior Center director to arrange for a ham radio demonstration and possible schedule. W3ACO noted that ARRL curriculum materials are available. A "Ham Class Committee" was formed with Rich (W3ACO) chair, Art (KØACP), and Dennis (WBØMCX).
  10. Dennis (WBØMCX) requested operators for Solon Beef Days on July 19.
  11. ICARC's Field Day operation will be held at Scott Church Park.
  12. The business meeting adjourned at 8:16 PM. The program was a video on the 2006 Peter I Island (3YØX) DXpedition.

In the absence of the Secretary (Jonathan Poulton, WØCK), the minutes were kindly taken by Willy Robison, KCØJFQ.

ICARC Meeting Minutes Index

Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF