ICARC Meeting Minutes

January 9, 2008

  1. Club President KIØJP called the meeting to order at 7:29 PM at the Grant Wood AEA Building. Nineteen hams were in attendance.
  2. Treasurer's report: KCØJFQ reported a healthy bank balance and reminded members that dues are due.
  3. Secretary's report: The minutes of the December 2007 meeting, submitted by WØPPF, were read and approved.
  4. HAMRAD report: KDØL reported that he is working on a list of equipment, including antennas, for the new Johnson County EOC. The annual Severe Weather Training Session, jointly sponsored by JCEMA and the National Weather Service, will take place in Building C at the Johnson County Fairgrounds on Saturday, March 15, beginning at 10:00 AM. The deadline for registration is Wednesday, March 12. Further details are provided on the ICARC website.
  5. Repeater Committee: NØRXD reported that, although, to his knowledge, KØGH had not made any adjustments to the WØJV/IC repeater, it seemed much improved, an opinion shared by many in attendance.
  6. Net Control: KØCF offered to serve as Net Control for February.
  7. Field Day: KIØJP reminded the group that is not too early to start thinking about the 2008 Field Day site. Jeff will request WWØQ to approach the County regarding the possibility of reserving Scott Church Corner again this year.
  8. The program for February will be a presentation by W3ACO on "Modeling wire antennas". If anyone would like Rich to consider a specific antenna during his presentation, they should contact him as soon as possible.
  9. The program for the January meeting was an excellent PowerPoint presentation by W3ACO on contacting the International Space Station on 2 meters (via digipeating, voice, and CW).

Jonathan Poulton, WØCK, Secretary

ICARC Meeting Minutes Index

Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF