ICARC Meeting Minutes

December 12, 2007

  1. Pres KIØJP called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM at Grant Wood Area Education Agency Area 10 building in Coralville.
  2. Treasurer: Ending year with good balance. 2008 dues are due.
  3. Secretary: Minutes read and approved.
  4. HamRad: WWØQ had meeting with Dave Wilson:
    • New JCEOC building may be in the works.
    • A more formal agreement between HamRad and JCEMA was talked about.
    • A change in severe WX operations is under way.
    • Both "basic" and "advanced" weather spotting will be taught in Johnson County.
    • Dave is encouraging IS-100 and IS-700 on-line web courses be taken by Ham Radio operators.
    • Dave is looking into credentials for Ham Radio operators.
    • It was moved, seconded and voted that WWØQ appoint KDØL as associate HamRad Director.
  5. Repeater:
    • John, KØGH, reported a burst of noise occurs occasionally. He is going to turn the squelch back some to get rid of it.
    • The repeater CW ID will be changed to "WØJV IC" to comply with FCC regulations which make the "/R" illegal.
  6. Net control: December-January - Jeff, KIØJP
  7. Nominating committee: slate of officers below was voted on and passed.

      Office Candidate Callsign
      President Jeff Dodd KIØJP
      Vice President Craig Fastenow KØCF
      Secretary Jonathan Poulton WØCK
      Treasurer Willy Robison KCØJFQ
      WØJV Trustee John Kauble KØGH
      Activities Rich Haendel W3ACO
      Activities AssociateJoe Hetrick KCØVKN

  8. Program for January will be how to talk to the Space Station via 2 meters.
  9. Program was a video on the VP8THU South Sandwich Island DXpediton operation.

George Carsner, WØPPF, Secretary

ICARC Meeting Minutes Index

Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF