ICARC Meeting Minutes
May 16, 2007
- President Jim, NOØB, called meeting to order at 7:30 PM.
- Introductions netted 18 present.
- Treasurer: Good healthy bank account.
- Secretary: Minutes read & approved.
- HamRad: No report.
- Antenna analyzer: KØCF (who was not present) wants to use it.
- Archives: Jeff, KIØJP, reported the finding of a 1941 picture of club members (via KBØCTS).
- Repeater: John, KØGH, reports that the auto patch is OK.
- Gin pole has been located at Tom, KØDX's QTH.
- Field Day:
- Sunday breakfast: Rich, WWØQ (Johnson County EMA)
- Saturday Night meal: Dick, KØKK (Hy-Vee + pot luck)
- Generator(s): Mark, NØRXD
- Category: 2A HF + 2meters
- Logging: ?
- Press release: George, WØPPF
- Equipment repair: Approved expenditure of up to $100 to fix crank-up
tower & trailer. Harvey, NØLBG will take care of this.
- Jim, NOØB, turned in his resignation as president of the club.
George Carsner, WØPPF, Secretary
ICARC Meeting Minutes Index
Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF