ICARC Meeting Minutes

May 16, 2007

  1. President Jim, NOØB, called meeting to order at 7:30 PM.
  2. Introductions netted 18 present.
  3. Treasurer: Good healthy bank account.
  4. Secretary: Minutes read & approved.
  5. HamRad: No report.
  6. Antenna analyzer: KØCF (who was not present) wants to use it.
  7. Archives: Jeff, KIØJP, reported the finding of a 1941 picture of club members (via KBØCTS).
  8. Repeater: John, KØGH, reports that the auto patch is OK.
  9. Gin pole has been located at Tom, KØDX's QTH.
  10. Field Day:
    1. Sunday breakfast: Rich, WWØQ (Johnson County EMA)
    2. Saturday Night meal: Dick, KØKK (Hy-Vee + pot luck)
    3. Generator(s): Mark, NØRXD
    4. Category: 2A HF + 2meters
    5. Logging: ?
    6. Press release: George, WØPPF
    7. Equipment repair: Approved expenditure of up to $100 to fix crank-up tower & trailer. Harvey, NØLBG will take care of this.
  11. Jim, NOØB, turned in his resignation as president of the club.

George Carsner, WØPPF, Secretary

ICARC Meeting Minutes Index

Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF