ICARC Meeting Minutes

May 10, 2006

  1. President KØCF called meeting to order at 7:35 PM at Grant Wood Area 10 building.
  2. Treasurer's report presented and approved.
  3. Secretary read minutes of last meeting and they were approved as read.
  4. HamRad: NOØB thanked all that reported into the net for the tornado and severe WX.
  5. Repeater: The new repeater controller has been received and needs to be installed.
  6. Recruitment flyer is still being worked on.
  7. Field Day:
    1. All area chiefs are firmed up and know their jobs.
    2. WØCK was given permission to buy club food and be reimbursed for same.
    3. It was decided to have a 2-station setup.
  8. Johnson County Sunday Evening Net control for May-June will be Jeff, KIØJP
  9. WØDXZ offered a FREE 2 meter rig to a new ham just getting started.
  10. Program: NOØB led a discussion on 2 meter emergency net operation.

George Carsner, WØPPF, Secretary

ICARC Meeting Minutes Index

Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF