ICARC Meeting Minutes
April 12, 2006
- KØCF called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM at Business Radio shop.
- Introductions yielded a count of 22 present.
- Minutes for March 8, 2006 were read and approved.
- Treasurer reported we still have money in the bank.
- HamRad: NOØB reported that emergency agencies need to get together and
discuss their equipment and how to best inter-communicate, and then train.
- Club antenna analyzer is housed at KØCF's QTH.
- Recruitment: a flyer is being worked up to mail to the 300 hams in Johnson County.
- Field Day: Instead of one head leader for the day, we will be blessed with many
skilled managers each doing their own thing -- known as shared responsibility by areas.
- Johnson County Sunday Evening Net control for April-May will be NOØB
- May meeting will be at Cedar Amateur Astronomer's Palisades-Dows Observatory,
weather permitting.
- CW net: W5FH is working on members to join in.
- Program: John Kauble, KØGH, owner of Business Radio, informed us about connectors,
wire, antennas, cutting holes, mounting, and techniques for installing mobile radios.
George Carsner, WØPPF, Secretary
ICARC Meeting Minutes Index
Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF