ICARC Meeting Minutes

March 8, 2006

  1. KØCF called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM at KØCF's QTH.
  2. Head count was 18 as we introduced ourselves.
  3. Secretary's minutes were read by WØPPF and corrected, then approved.
  4. The treasurer, KCØJFQ, reported a positive balance in the bank.
  5. HamRad: NOØB reported on a meeting he attended in Marshalltown.
  6. Main topic was required training for inter-communications between emergency agencies.
  7. CD topic was cut off pending a question on interest to a non-profit corporation.
  8. Postcards will be mailed out to those who were members in 2004 and 2005 and who have not paid their 2006 dues.
  9. A discussion about our un-repairable repeater controller took place.
  10. It was moved and seconded, and then passed that we purchase a new RC-1000C controller for $259+60+55 for its recordable voice messages, which makes the current controller available as a backup to ensure reliable operation in case of an emergency.
  11. Field Day: No chairperson has been found yet.
  12. Recruitment: no flyer has been designed so far.
  13. Sunday night net: KØCF or NOØB will take it for March-April.
  14. Web: see web for latest Hamfest dates, ham classes, exam dates.
  15. W5FH would like to start a slow speed CW net on 2 meters.
  16. A request was made for communications for "Run for the Schools" event.
  17. Program: Al Culbert, KØAL, presented a program on impedance, transceivers, and antenna matching, and why it's important. He then examined KØCF's multi-band antenna for SWR with state-of-the-art meters.

George Carsner, WØPPF, Secretary

ICARC Meeting Minutes Index

Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF