ICARC Meeting Minutes

April 13, 2005

  1. Jeff, KIØJP, called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.
  2. Check-in netted 19 present.
  3. A moment of silence was had for SK Justin Kent.
  4. Jeff asked if anyone would volunteer for club President----NO answer.
  5. Jeff asked if anyone would volunteer for Club Program Chair----NO answer.
  6. Treasurer reported a positive balance -- approved.
  7. Secretary's report: read and approved.
  8. Ray Carpenter, AJØV, gave away some more radio parts.
  9. HamRad: May 5th 6:00PM to 9:00 PM Northwest Junior High, Duane Arnold drill.
    • WWØQ asked for two assistant directors for emergency coordinator.
    • WWØQ suggested we reactivate ARES as the official organization for emergencies.
  10. Johnson County Sunday Evening Net control:
    • Apr/May: Regis, KBØVDO
    • May/June: Jeff, KIØJP
    • June/July: Rich, WWØQ
  11. Web site: Mark, NØRXD, and Willy, KCØJFQ, to build site -- HTTP://N952.DYNDNS.WS/ICARC
  12. Club insurance is due -- approved to pay.
  13. Junk-in-the-Trunk for July meeting -- WBØMCX to set up.
  14. Field Day: Jonathan, WØCK seggested we try a real emergency enactment:
    • Set-up at 9:00 AM on Saturday.
    • Use a gasoline generator for AC power.
    • Use paper logs instead of computer.
    • Moved, Seconded and Approved

George Carsner WØPPF, Secretary

ICARC Meeting Minutes Index

Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF