ICARC Meeting Minutes
March 10, 2005
- Jeff, KIØJP, called meeting to order at 7:30 PM.
- Introductions were made around the room.
- Treasurer reported a positive balance.
- Secretary's report was corrected to indicate that there was $1200 in hamfest kitty.
- HamRad:
- WX Spotter's class to held March 3.
- Duane Arnold exercise May 5 at Northwest Junior High.
- Field Day: We will have it.
- Budget: Follow details outlined in Jeff's notes presented last month.
- Repeater: It's obsolete!!!! We can no longer get replacement parts.
- Web site: Looking into a FREE site. Committee:
- Matt McPherren, KCØQXL, Chairman
- Rich Bingham, WWØQ
- Mark Atherton, NØRXD
- Voted to allow club call WØJV to be used for Geratol Net on 3768 Khz.
- Program: George Gassman, WØDEN, spoke of his radio experience when he was in the army.
George Carsner, WØPPF, Secretary
ICARC Meeting Minutes Index
Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF