ICARC Meeting Minutes

February 9, 2005

  1. Jeff, KIØJP, opened the meeting at 7:30 PM.
  2. Secretary's report for December read because January meeting was canceled due to ice storm.
  3. Treasurer reported a positive balance.
  4. WBØMCX requested reimbursement for Solon Beef Day expenses.
  5. HamRad:
    • Wx Spotter training set for Mar 3 -- 6:30 PM dinner, 7:30 PM program.
    • Duane Arnold refresher class -- May 5
  6. Net control station:
    • Feb-Mar: Rich, WWØQ
    • Mar-Apr: Jim
  7. Jeff asked if anyone would volunteer to be Club President. NO volunteer.
  8. Jeff asked if anyone would volunteer to be Club Program Chair. NO volunteer.
  9. Jeff asked if anyone would volunteer to be Club Hamfest Chair. NO volunteer.
  10. The Hamfest was to become a three way committee--Iowa City, Muscatine, Washington.
  11. Next, Jeff made a motion to see if the Iowa City Club wanted to continue to be a part of the Hamfest.
    • A vote was taken--4 yes, 5 no, with 15 members present.
  12. Jeff made a motion to pass the Hamfest kitty of $1200* to the successor of the Hamfest. Passed.
  13. Jeff made a motion to divide the Hamfest kitty of $1200* three way (Iowa City, Muscatine, Washington) if the hamfset was canceled. Passed.
  14. Field Day: Club voted to participate -- Jon, WØCK, and Regis, KBØVDO, will run the show.
  15. Since The Club will not have an income from the Hamfest, a motion was made to raise the Club dues to:
    Senior (age 75 and up)$10/yr.
    Senior Family (75 up)$15/yr.
  16. Expenses will be held to a minimum -- See attached memo for details.

George Carsner, WØPPF, Secretary

* Correction from March meeting applied.

ICARC Meeting Minutes Index

Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF