ICARC Meeting Minutes
February 9, 2005
- Jeff, KIØJP, opened the meeting at 7:30 PM.
- Secretary's report for December read because January meeting was canceled due to ice storm.
- Treasurer reported a positive balance.
- WBØMCX requested reimbursement for Solon Beef Day expenses.
- HamRad:
- Wx Spotter training set for Mar 3 -- 6:30 PM dinner, 7:30 PM program.
- Duane Arnold refresher class -- May 5
- Net control station:
- Feb-Mar: Rich, WWØQ
- Mar-Apr: Jim
- Jeff asked if anyone would volunteer to be Club President. NO volunteer.
- Jeff asked if anyone would volunteer to be Club Program Chair. NO volunteer.
- Jeff asked if anyone would volunteer to be Club Hamfest Chair. NO volunteer.
- The Hamfest was to become a three way committee--Iowa City, Muscatine, Washington.
- Next, Jeff made a motion to see if the Iowa City Club wanted to continue to be a part of the Hamfest.
- A vote was taken--4 yes, 5 no, with 15 members present.
- Jeff made a motion to pass the Hamfest kitty of $1200* to the successor of the Hamfest. Passed.
- Jeff made a motion to divide the Hamfest kitty of $1200* three way (Iowa City, Muscatine, Washington)
if the hamfset was canceled. Passed.
- Field Day: Club voted to participate -- Jon, WØCK, and Regis, KBØVDO, will run the show.
- Since The Club will not have an income from the Hamfest, a motion was made to raise the Club dues to:
Individual | $15/yr.
Family | $20/yr.
Senior (age 75 and up) | $10/yr.
Senior Family (75 up) | $15/yr.
Student | $10/yr.
- Expenses will be held to a minimum -- See attached memo for details.
George Carsner, WØPPF, Secretary
* Correction from March meeting applied.
ICARC Meeting Minutes Index
Last updated April 20, 2017 by KØCF