ICARC Meeting Minutes
December 8, 2004
- Jeff, KIØJP, opened the meeting at 7:30 PM.
- Introductions totaled 22.
- Treasurer's report presented and approved.
- Secretary's report read and approved.
- Election of officers held for:
- Vice President: KBØCTS
- Secretary: WØPPF
- Treasurer: KCØJFQ
- President: X
- Program: X
- Hamfest: X
- HamRad: Tom Hansen, new Sheriff indicate no change. WWØQ predicts 2 events in 2005; and 1 event in 2006.
- After the Sunday night 2 meter FM net there is a 2 meter SSB get together at 144.190.
- The ad hoc Finance Committee report presented by KIØJP:
- ICARC end participation in Southeast Iowa Hamfest.
- Dues increase.
- Reduce expenses to bare minimum.
- Use treasury balance to keep repeater going.
- See Jeff's report for details.
- Program: Jules reviewed the history of flight navigation.
George Carsner, WØPPF, Secretary
ICARC Meeting Minutes Index
Last updated April 18, 2017 by KØCF