ICARC Meeting Minutes

December 8, 2004

  1. Jeff, KIØJP, opened the meeting at 7:30 PM.
  2. Introductions totaled 22.
  3. Treasurer's report presented and approved.
  4. Secretary's report read and approved.
  5. Election of officers held for:
    1. Vice President: KBØCTS
    2. Secretary: WØPPF
    3. Treasurer: KCØJFQ
    4. President: X
    5. Program: X
    6. Hamfest: X
  6. HamRad: Tom Hansen, new Sheriff indicate no change. WWØQ predicts 2 events in 2005; and 1 event in 2006.
  7. After the Sunday night 2 meter FM net there is a 2 meter SSB get together at 144.190.
  8. The ad hoc Finance Committee report presented by KIØJP:
    1. ICARC end participation in Southeast Iowa Hamfest.
    2. Dues increase.
    3. Reduce expenses to bare minimum.
    4. Use treasury balance to keep repeater going.
    5. See Jeff's report for details.
  9. Program: Jules reviewed the history of flight navigation.

George Carsner, WØPPF, Secretary

ICARC Meeting Minutes Index

Last updated April 18, 2017 by KØCF