ICARC Meeting Minutes
November 10, 2004
- Jeff, KIØJP, opened the meeting at 7:30 PM.
- Introductions around the room yielded about 20.
- Treasurer's report: Deferred to next meeting.
- Secretary's report: Read and approved.
- Repeater report: Filed call sign with Iowa repeater coordinator.
- HamRad report: WWØQ to meet with newly elected sheriff.
- Hamfest report: Club share was $900, holding some money for sales tax and school tax.
- Election: Slate of officers for 2005:
- President: X
- Vice President: KBØCTS
- Secretary: WØPPF
- Treasurer: WØCK
- Program: X
- Hamfest: X
- President Jeff, KIØJP, lead a serious discussion of club finances.
We have a fixed cost of about $1500 per year.
The hamfest and dues just about covers this.
A big worry is if the State of Iowa will require the big vendors
to collect sales tax, they may not be back because it would
establish them as a company in Iowa, and then they would
have to collect sale tax on EVERYTHING they sell, even
on out-of state sales. This would be a big burden on them.
Without a good vendor base, our hamfest may not draw a big crowd.
- If the club is to stay alive, we need members to support our activities.
This means YOU need to volunteer for jobs. We are all capable
of doing something, and a lot of little things add up to getting
the task done.
George Carsner, WØPPF, Secretary
ICARC Meeting Minutes Index
Last updated April 18, 2017 by KØCF