ICARC Meeting Minutes

May 12, 2004

  1. Jeff, KIØJP, called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.
  2. Introductions yielded a count of 20 (a quorum).
  3. Treasurer reported a positive balance in club checking; and a positive balance in hamfest account after distribution of even split to Muscatine club and to Iowa City club.
  4. Secretary's report for April 14, 2004 read and approved.
  5. WWØQ alerted us that severe WX net activity would probably increase.
  6. Jeff presented the amended club by-laws for incorporation of club. Discussion comments:
    • Article 9 as printed has last letter of first line missing -- no concern.
    • Board of directors meet at the same time and place as regular meeting -- OK.
    • Notification of meetings must be in writing or via amateur radio.
  7. One page correction sheet:
    • Jeff made motion to accept, Rich seconded, passed
  8. Rich made motion to accept by-laws, seconded, passed by 18 show of hands, 2 abstained.
  9. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM.


Iowa City Amateur Radio Club
Minutes for Second Meeting of May 12, 2004

  1. Jeff, KIØJP, called the meeting to order at 8:08 PM.
  2. Head count totaled 20 present (a quorum).
  3. Jeff presented the second reading of amended by-laws for incorporation.
    • A motion was made to accept, seconded, and show of hands approved.
  4. Jeff presented the articles of incorporation.
    • A motion was made to incorporate, seconded, and show of hands approved.
  5. A motion was made to authorize Jeff as president to sign the necessary papers, seconded, and approved.
  6. Field Day chairman: Regis, KBØVDO, volunteered
  7. Net controls:
    • May-Jun: Rich, WWØQ
    • Jun-Jul: (Open)
  8. Program: Don Kirchner, KDØL, Radar system for the search for water on Mars.

George Carsner, WØPPF, Secretary

ICARC Meeting Minutes Index

Last updated April 18, 2017 by KØCF