ICARC Meeting Minutes

January 14, 2004

  1. President Jeff, KIØJP, called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.
  2. Introductions of members tallied 25.
  3. Treasurer, KCØJFQ, reported a positive balance in checking, and in the hamfest account.
  4. February speaker: WØPPF on radio control for model airplanes.
  5. March meeting: Club party at Papajohn Building, UI campus, speaker -- author of "Art Collins - Radio Wizard".
  6. Craig, KØCF, was elected member-at-large for executive committee.
  7. HamRad meetings:
    • Duane Arnold, March 18 at 6:00 PM.
    • Severe WX, April 1 at 6:00 PM at Johnson County Fairgrounds.
    • ARES, Feb 21 at 1:00 PM at St. Lukes Hospital, Cedar Rapids.
  8. Repeater: Receiver squelch very tight.
  9. Book Sales: (Tom Irwin) Regis, KBØVDO, sold 11 copies for $57.36 after expenses.
  10. Regis, KBØVDO, inquired about putting on a Boy Scout merit badge class for radio, electronics, and electricity.
  11. Proposal for "emeritus member" status was discussed for WØRHF and KAØDYI.
    • By-Laws must be amended for this type of new membership.
  12. School Round-Up event February 9-13.
    • Dennis Kahler, WBØMCX, and Regis, KBØVDO, were appointed to look into this and get it going.
  13. Field Day: Requirements sheet was handed out so members could look for suitable sites and report at February meeting.
  14. Norval Tucker, WDØGDN, passed around a petition for IC to look into having its own electrical power plant.
  15. Dayton (hamfest) Bus: Leave 13 May -- $50 bus rent plus $37 per seat (with toilet).
  16. Program: Al, KØAL, explained about collecting old ham receivers. What to look for and how to buy. He brought several from his huge collection to show the good and the not so good.

George Carsner, WØPPF, Secretary

ICARC Meeting Minutes Index

Last updated April 18, 2017 by KØCF